Pulls & Rows: From Antiquated to Amazing Webinar #WOD-101022

Pulling and rowing exercises take center stage in a newly recorded webinar that takes horizontal rows, lat pull downs and biceps curls (amomng others!) to a whole new level. Whether your client's goal is hypertrophy, definition or function, you are sure to find unique variations in this webinar that begins with exercise analysis, continues with recommendations as to how to correct form and concludes with a myriad of exercise variations that you can do at home, at the gym, on the beach----or anywhere! NOTE: You have until 12/31/2024 to complete this webinar.

Click here for more details on this webinar.

0.20 ACE
2.00 ACSM
2.00 AEA / AF
2.00 AFAA
2.00 BOC Cat A
0.30 CSCS
2.00 FAI
2.00 IFPA
2.00 ISSA
0.20 NASM
0.20 NCCPT
0.40 NFPT
Pulls & Rows: From Antiquated to Amazing
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Price: $25.00 $8.00 (Save 68%)